Freuquently Asked Questions

Should I book in advance?

Our service is an on-demand service, therefore prior reservation will assure you a vehicle at arrival or departure. Highly recommended in order to avoid hassle, stress after a long journey.

Where do you pick-up from and where do you transport to?

From Roissy Charles de Gaulle, Orly, Beauvais, Le Bourget airports or your hotels to train stations, from your hotels/airport to other tourist destinations such as Disney, Mont St. Michel, Lourdes, Giverny, Normandie etc. Any destination can be visited upon your request. Please check for prices at our rates page and reserve at our reservation page.

How can I contact you when I am the airport?

You can call us on +336 5959 7541

What services do you offer for children?

For safety and comfort, we provide you booster seats for children and baby seats free of charge.

How can I make payment / tips?

You can pay the chauffeur on drop-off, an advance is not required. Chauffeur may be tipped if satisfied with service. This is not obligatory.

How far in advance can I change/cancel my reservation?

All cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance.

Do you charge for luggage?

Please note that there would be no extra charge levied for baggages.

Where do I find the chauffeur?

Our driver will be there at the customs exit with your name on our company board.

Will the shuttle take me directly to my terminal/To my hotel?

We are an A-B private transfer service so you will be dropped-off at the destination mentioned in the reservations form. However if any changes you may inform the chauffeur.

Are the passengers insured?

Yes, please note all passengers are insured.